ACES: A Smart Workflow Solution for Acceptance Criteria Generation.

Experience a revolutionary approach in identifying requirements with an AI-powered Acceptance Criteria generation tool. Say goodbye to the manual and time-consuming process as you let ACES do the work for you.

Reduce manual effort.

Level up your workflow and work smarter! Focus on other core responsibilities as you let ACES generate your Acceptance Criteria for you.

Increase speed & efficiency.

Generate Acceptance Criteria 10x faster with ACES.

Minimise missed requirements.

Harness the power of AI to turn your User Stories into precise Acceptance Criteria. Let ACES capture crucial requirements.

How it works

AI Powered AC Generation

Introducing our smart Acceptance Criteria (AC) generation solution, designed to level up your project management workfow. With the help of our fine tuned models consisted of huge historical data to generate an accurate and tailored acceptance criteria for your project, you will experience a new level of efficiency, precision, and a more streamlined process to propel your business to a new heights.

User Story / Task Description

As a < type of user >, I want < goal >, so that < reason >.


< Task description (e.g., 'Creation of login feature for my application') >

Process Input

Validating and checking for harmful content.

Generate Acceptance Criteria

A list of acceptance criteria ready to copy on your clipboard or markdown.


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